Messages from Diverse Sources
Tuesday, January 31, 2023
Apparition of the King of Mercy on January 25, 2023 over the fountain Maria Annuntiata at the House Jerusalem
Message of Our Lord to Manuela in Sievernich, Germany

We are all immersed in a beautiful golden light. A large golden ball of light, accompanied by two smaller golden balls of light, float in the sky in front of us in the air. The large sphere opens and the infant Jesus emerges from this sphere in the form of Prague. He wears a large golden crown and His hair is dark brown, short curly. The King of Mercy has blue eyes. The infant Jesus wears a red robe and the red mantle of His Precious Blood. The Heavenly King carries a large golden scepter in His right hand and the Vulgate in His left hand. (Holy Scripture)
Now the other two smaller spheres of light open and two white-clothed angels emerge from these spheres of light. The angels kneel before the King of Mercy and spread His mantle over us. We are sheltered under His mantle. It is pitched over us like a tent. The infant Jesus blesses us:
"In the name of the Father and of the Son - that am I - and of the Holy Spirit. Amen."
The Heavenly King takes His scepter to His heart and speaks:
"Behold, I am the Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world! Dear friends, pray and remain faithful to Me. My work became visible in Paul. Whoever opens his heart and turns to Me, I call him and so every soul can change from Saul to Paul. The Holy Scripture is the Word of the Eternal Father and My Word. You must not abandon it! Paul loved My Word. So you may see the Holy Scriptures as a whole: The Old Testament and the New Testament. It is the history of man's salvation and My work and the work of the Father, in Whom I am whole. Even the priesthood must not be seen apart from the Old Testament. Hear My word!"
The Lord speaks to me in silence about the coming end-time miracle of the pillar of cloud and fire. In the Bible, we find this pillar in the Old Testament in the book of Exodus. Further, the divine child speaks about the mountain where Moses had the encounter with God. The mountain was shrouded in a great cloud and great fire. This was the great presence of the Eternal Father. Moses received the Ten Commandments from God on the mountain. God appointed Moses to go to Him on the top of the mountain and later Aron, who was called by God as a priest. No other person, no relatives, no matter how important, were allowed to go to the top of the mountain. (Holy Scripture, Exodus 19, 16 - 25) The gracious child points out to me that this was the beginning of a very special holy priesthood. We are to realize that the priesthood was instituted by God and not by man. In our coming time, God chooses the pillar of cloud and fire as a miracle not without reason. God is recognized by many people in this sign, but also hereby points to the Book of Exodus in the Bible, especially the liberation from worldly slavery, the 10 Commandments and the holy priesthood. This is how the King of Mercy explained it to me.
Then the Vulgate is opened by an invisible hand. I see the passage of the Holy Scripture: Paul, Letter to the Romans 1, 18 ff. The word shines down to us. We are all surrounded by bright light.
The King of Mercy draws near and speaks:
"Now I show you something for the time to come. Pius V was a faithful friend, as Benedict XVI, your Rock, was to Me."
The Lord shows me a long letter and says that people would call it the Mass of all times. The letter was very long, so I could recognize it but could not remember it word by word. Once again the gracious child confirmed to me that this was for the time to come.
The King of Mercy speaks:
"It was requested!"
Benedict XVI is with Him, so the Heavenly King confirms it to me and speaks:
"Benedict XVI, your Rock, was greatly despised because of his gracious spiritual gifts. Know this. Faithfully he stood by the Holy Scriptures, by the Father and by Me. Now he prays very much for the Church. Call upon his assistance." (Own note: This may be done to venerable persons of the Catholic Church).
"Pray, for evil is very strong in the world. Only through your prayer, your sacrifice, your penance, the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass, can the world be saved, the judgment be mitigated. Your helpers should pray very much, otherwise they will not understand what I am doing. God's plan for this place and Germany will otherwise not be revealed to them, the Father's plan, which is My plan. Whoever does not pray and sacrifice, the plan will remain closed to him. I want to save you and not punish you."
The King of Mercy now presses His scepter to His heart and it becomes the aspergillum of His Precious Blood. He blesses and sprinkles us with His Precious Blood. Especially the sick and all people who think of Him:
"In the name of the Father and of the Son - that am I - and of the Holy Spirit. Amen."
Then the gracious Child places His right foot on a stone of the well's edge and says:
"Since My Blood does not flow in the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass, I sprinkle you with My Precious Blood." (Lord's own note: The Lord refers to the fact that currently no Holy Mass is celebrated on the days of the prayer meetings in Sievernich). "Pray for peace, sacrifice, otherwise great suffering will befall you. I have told you before and I cannot tell you often enough: listen to My Word, remain faithful to Me, remain faithful to the Holy Scriptures! I am the King of mercy and guide you through this time. Have no fear!"
The Lord wishes us to say one more specific prayer as a farewell, and says goodbye: "Adieu!"
We pray as requested:
O my Jesus, forgive us our sins, save us from the fire of hell, lead all souls to heaven, especially those most in need of Your mercy.
The Lord goes back into the light and the angels do likewise. The balls of light close and the sign appears: IHS. The balls of light disappear.
This message is announced without prejudice to the judgment of the church.
From the Bible:
2nd book of Moses
Exodus chapter 19:16-25 .
Exo 19:16 On the third day, when it was morning, thunder broke out and lightning flashed, heavy clouds hung over the mountain, and exceedingly loud blaring trumpets were heard. All the people in the camp trembled.
Exo 19:17 Moses led the people out of the camp to meet God. They lined up at the foot of the mountain.
Exo 19:18 Mount Sinai was all covered with smoke, because the Lord had come down on it in fire. The smoke went up like the smoke of a furnace. The whole mountain shook violently.
Exo 19:19 The sound of the trumpet grew stronger and stronger. Moses spoke, and God answered him with the sound of thunder.
Exo 19:20 The Lord had come down on Mount Sinai, and on the top of it. He called Moses to the top of the mountain, and Moses went up.
Exo 19:21 Then the Lord said to Moses, "Go down and command the people emphatically that they not break through to the Lord to see him, for many of them would otherwise perish.
Exo 19:22 Let the priests also, who are wont to approach the Lord, keep themselves holy, lest the Lord break loose against them!"
Exo 19:23 Then Moses replied to the Lord, "The people cannot go up to Mount Sinai at all, for you yourself have inculcated it in us: draw a boundary around the mountain and declare it holy!"
Exo 19:24 So the Lord said to him, "Go down and come up again with Aaron. But the priests and the people are not to break through to come up to the Lord; otherwise he would go out against them."
Exo 19:25 Then Moses went down to the people and told them.
Epistle to the Romans
The Epistles of St. Paul the Apostle
Justification by Jesus Christ
Humanity's need for salvation
1 greeting
The sin of the heathen world. 18 God's wrath is revealed from heaven against all ungodliness and unrighteousness of men who suppress the truth [of God] by their unrighteousness. 19 What can be known of God is manifest to them; God himself has revealed it to them. 20 His invisible being, eternal power, and divinity have been apparent by the light of reason from His works since the creation of the world. Therefore, they cannot be excused. 21 For, though they recognized God, yet they did not honor Him as God, nor give thanks to Him, but became foolish in their thoughts, and their unintelligent hearts were darkened. 22 Wise they thought they were and became fools. 23 They exchanged the glory of the incorruptible God for the image of corruptible men, birds, four-footed and creeping animals. 18-23: The creed that with the light of reason we can know the existence of God from created things is here unambiguously taught. Only through one's own fault is ignorance of God possible. "Only the fool says in his heart, There is no God!" 24 Therefore God gave them over to the lusts of their hearts, to impurity, so that they dishonored their own bodies. 25 They exchanged the true God for false idols and worshiped and adored creatures instead of the Creator, who is blessed forever. Amen. 26 Therefore they abandoned God to shameful passions; their wives exchanged natural intercourse for unnatural. 27 Likewise, men also abandoned natural intercourse with women and burned against each other in wild greed; men committed shameless acts against each other and received the due reward for their confusion in themselves. 28 Because they rejected the knowledge of God, God gave them over to their rejected mind, so that they did what is not right. 29 They became full of all unrighteousness, wickedness, [fornication,] covetousness, wickedness, full of envy, murder, strife, guile, deceit. They are ear-blowers, 30 slanderers, enemies of God, mockers, proud, boasters, inventors of evil, rebellious against parents, 31 unreasonable, disorderly, without love, without faithfulness, without mercy. 32 Though they know the divine order of law (and know) that those who do such things deserve death, yet they not only do it themselves but still applaud those who do it. 26-32: Paul, who does not exaggerate, here paints a harrowing picture of the moral conditions in paganism. The root of all this depravity, however, is turning away from God. The sixth commandment is most transgressed where the first is not observed.
"Accompanying Moses to Mount Sinai was Joshua, who was his assistant, but Aaron, his brother, led the elders of Israel who accompanied Moses to the holy mountain, but waited for him halfway up. There God installed Aaron as Israel's high priest, an office that was transferred to his direct descendants, while the Levites, his tribe, henceforth performed priestly services. Until the time of the Maccabean revolts (2nd century B.C.E.), the high priestly office remained in the house of Aaron. When the Maccabees proclaimed it for themselves, schism ensued and followers of the Aaronic high priest went with him to Egypt, where they built an "alternative" temple. The Essenes, in turn, expected a high priestly Messiah from the house of Aaron and a royal one from the house of Aaron who would restore the "old order." Jesus was a Davidide through his grandfather Joachim, and also an Aaronite through his grandmother Anna, so that he was both king and high priest, which is why the author of the Letter to the Hebrews could write, "Since we now have an exalted high priest..." (Heb 4:14).
The fact that our Catholic priesthood goes back to the priesthood of the Old Covenant was clearly presented by Pope Benedict in his preface "The Catholic Priesthood" to the book "From the Depth of the Heart" by Cardinal Sarah. In it, Benedict XVI describes the Christian priesthood as a new interpretation of the Israelite high priesthood, in which in the figure of Jesus as high priest "the prophetic cult critique and the cultic tradition emanating from Moses merge". After the Second Vatican Council (1962-1965), however, the relationship to the Old Testament priesthood "became unavoidable for the Catholic Church as well. The understanding of the office had "rushed in on us with tremendous urgency" and had "become the continuing crisis of the priesthood in the Church to this day."
Pius V (1566--72) was a truly holy pope. He introduced the Rosary and the Angelus prayer when Europe was threatened by the Turks, thus bringing about the miracle of Lepanto: In the decisive naval battle of the "Holy League" against the Ottoman fleet, the Christians were at first hopelessly outnumbered; moreover, the wind was against them. But at exactly 12 o'clock, when the Angelus was being prayed throughout the Christian world, the wind shifted and allowed them to launch a successful frontal attack on the Turks. He was also a great reformer who consistently implemented the decisions of the Council of Trent. With his bull " Quo primum " of July 14, 1570, he established what is now known as the " Tridentine Mass " "forever" and prohibited it from ever being modified or abrogated: "(...) nor can the present letter [Quo primum] ever be revoked or modified at any time, but it remains in full force of law forever." This was probably the "long letter" shown by Lord Manuela.
Commentary by Dr. Hesemann and the Bull of Pius V:
Bull of St. Pope Pius V introducing the Roman Missal .
Bishop Pius, servant of the servants of God in perpetual memory.
Since Our vocation to the highest apostolic office, we gladly direct Our mind, Our forces, and all Our reflections to the preservation of the purity of ecclesiastical worship, and strive to initiate what is necessary for this purpose and, with God's assistance, to make it effective with all zeal.
Now, in accordance with the decisions of the Holy Council of Trent, We had to dispose of the publication and improvement of the Sacred Books, namely the Catechism, the Missal and the Breviary. After the Catechism had been published with God's consent for the instruction of the people, and the Breviary had been improved for the obligatory praise of God, We had to turn to the remaining task, so that the Missal might duly correspond to the Breviary (since it is very proper that God be praised in the Church in a uniform manner and that the Mass be celebrated in a uniform manner): to publish the Missal itself.
We therefore thought it right to entrust this burden to selected scholars. After careful study of the ancient books of Our Vatican Library, as well as other manuscripts brought from all over, improved and uncorrupted, as well as the reflections of the ancients and the writings of recognized authors who have left Us records of the sacred institution of the rites, these learned men restored the Missal according to the prescription and rite of the Holy Fathers.
In order that all might benefit from this work, after We had examined and improved it, We ordered, after careful consideration, that it be printed and published in Rome as soon as possible.
Priests in particular should know from it which prayers to use from now on in the celebration of Mass and which rites and ceremonies to observe. But in order that all may everywhere comprehend and observe what has been handed down by the Holy Roman Church, the Mother and Teacher of the rest of the Churches, We establish by this Our eternally valid Constitution, under threat of Our displeasure as a penalty, and order: Henceforth, in all future times on the Christian globe, in all patriarchal churches, cathedrals, collegiates, and parishes, in all secular, monastic - of whatever order and rule they may be, whether male or female monasteries - in all military and unattached churches or chapels, in which the Mass of the Convent is to be celebrated, or should be celebrated, aloud with choir or silently, according to the rite of the Roman Church, shall not be sung or read otherwise than according to the Missal issued by Us, even if these churches enjoy any exceptions, are privileged by an induit of the Apostolic See, by custom or privilege, indeed by oath or apostolic confirmation, or any other peculiarity-unless, immediately from their erection approved by the Apostolic See, or by tradition, they have observed in the celebration of Mass a rite of at least two hundred years in these same churches without interruption. We do not in any way deprive these latter of the aforesaid special right or tradition in the celebration of Mass, but We permit, if the Missal issued by Us is more agreeable, that Masses may be celebrated according to Our Missal, with the consent of the bishop or prelate and of the entire chapter, notwithstanding other provisions.
To all the other aforesaid churches, however, We thus deprive the use of their Missals, rejecting them from the bottom up and completely, and stipulate that nothing may ever be added to, taken away from, or changed in this Missal of Ours which has just been issued.
Strictly We command each and every patriarch and administrator of the aforesaid churches, all other persons, of whatever rank they may be, in the virtue of holy obedience: They are to abandon altogether in the future the ways and rites they have hitherto been accustomed to (even those from missals, however ancient), to reject them completely, and to sing and read the Mass according to the rite, manner, and norm of Our Missal, and they are not to dare to add or read at the celebration of Mass any ceremonies and prayers other than those contained in this Missal.
And that in all churches, at the Mass sung or read, without scruple of conscience or fear of any penalties, judgments, or reprimands, they may henceforth follow this Missal exclusively, and be able and authorized to use it impartially and lawfully, to this We, by virtue of Our Apostolic Authority, give Our permission and sanction for now and forever.
Likewise, We establish and declare: No superior, administrator, canon, chaplain, or other secular priest, and no monk of whatever order, shall be required to celebrate the Mass otherwise than as established by Us, nor shall he be compelled or induced by anyone to alter this Missal, nor can the present letter ever be revoked or modified at any time, but it shall forever remain in full force of law.
With this, all previous regulations, Apostolic Constitutions and Ordinances to the contrary, all general or special Constitutions and Ordinances of Provincial or Synodal Councils, as well as the statutes and customs of the above-mentioned Churches, even if their custom is supported by a very ancient and venerable regulation, but is not older than two hundred years, are annulled.
From the publication of this Our Constitution and Missal, the priests in the Roman Curia shall be enjoined to sing or say Mass according to it after one month, those on this side of the Alps after three, those on the other side of the Alps after six months, or as soon as they can purchase this Missal.
In order that it may be preserved uncorrupted and pure from errors and mistakes everywhere on earth, We, by virtue of Apostolic authority, forbid with the present letter all printers of books in Our (and by H. R. E. [Sanctae Romanae Ecclesiae indirect and immediate domain, under penalty of loss of books and of one hundred gold ducats payable to the Apostolic Chamber, but to the other printers in all parts of the earth, under penalty of excommunication in the broad sense and other penalties according to our arbitration: that they may not, without Our, respectively or the permission expressly granted for this purpose by an Apostolic Commissioner to be appointed by Us in the place in question, that they shall not be subject to print, sell, or accept at all, unless full assurance has previously been given by this same Commissioner to this same printer that the Missal copy, which is to be the standard for the printing of further copies, has been compared with the Missal produced in Rome in the first printing, agrees with it, and does not deviate in anything.
In view of the difficulty of bringing the present letter to the knowledge of all in all places of the Christian world, and especially in the first period, We prescribe: Let it be publicly posted in the conventional manner on the doorways of the Basilica of the Prince Apostle and of the Apostolic Chancery, and at the head of the Campus Florae; let also the printed copies of this letter, handwritten and signed by a public notary and bearing the seal of an ecclesiastical dignitary, be given straightway the same unquestioning credence among all peoples and in all places as would be given to the present letter had it been visibly displayed.
No one, therefore, is allowed to violate this document, on which permission, decision, order, regulation, approval, indult, declaration, will, determination, and prohibition are recorded by Us, or to act contrary to it in imprudent daring.
But if anyone should presume to touch this, let him know that he will incur the wrath of Almighty God and His Holy Apostles Peter and Paul.
Given at Rome near Saint Peter in the fifteen hundred and seventieth year of the Nativity of the Lord on July 14 in the Fifth Year of Our Pontificate."
Source: ➥